IPQS phone carrier lookup is a free service that allows you to check the status of a particular number. It is an easy way to find out who owns a particular number and what service provider it is associated with.
Carrier & Prepaid Info
A IPQS phone carrier lookup lookup is an important tool for identity verification and chargeback fraud prevention. It helps you to identify landlines, virtual numbers (VIOP), pager services, and cellular or wireless networks.
Detect Disconnected Phones and Active Users
IPQS phone verification API uses real-time carrier data with support for over 150 countries to ping a user’s network. This can help detect disconnected phone numbers or subscribers that have been suspended or cancelled.
Phone Validation and Risk Analysis
IPQS Phone Carrier Lookup: How to Identify the Carrier of a Phone Number for Marketing and Fraud Prevention
IPQualityScore’s phone validation solution is designed to quickly verify phone numbers for chargeback defense on a global scale. It combines risk score and country of origin details with carrier and line type information to improve user data and lead quality.
Caller ID & Location Identification
With a simple phone carrier lookup, you can extract personal data about any number including the name of the person, address, and location. Additionally, this solution will tell you if the number is valid or active.
Number Guru is another great free service that will help you get a lot of information about a specific number. It includes the number’s carrier, line type, activation date and more.
Cell Phone Carriers and IMEI Numbers
The IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a unique number that is assigned to every mobile device in the world. IMEI numbers can be used to trace the ownership of a mobile phone, locate a lost or stolen device, and track the owner’s movements.