If you fb comment hidden a comment on a post or update that you don’t want to see, you have the option to delete it or hide it. Deleting a comment completely removes it from your timeline, so the person who posted it won’t see it and anyone who replied to it won’t be notified that you deleted it. Hide comments, on the other hand, make the comment invisible to you and everyone else who views the post or update. The person who originally posted the comment and their friends can still see it, but they won’t be able to reply to it.
Silenced Voices: Understanding the Dynamics of Hiding Comments and Its Consequences on Social Media
There are some comments that should always be hidden, if not deleted entirely. This includes spam content, abusive language, personal marketing or self-promotion, inappropriate images and links, and hate speech. These should be hidden so that they don’t impact your brand reputation and so that you can block the user from your page if necessary.
Other comments that should be hidden are those that accuse your company of harming a customer or causing an allergic reaction to one of your products. These should be hidden because they can potentially cause a lot of damage to your brand if they are picked up by the media or if the user chooses to report you on Facebook for these extreme allegations. By hiding these comments, you can still keep the lines of communication open with the user and investigate the situation privately.